Hormone Pellets Insertion Instructions
Step 1.
We will ask you to lay down on your side. The physician will use a marker
to put a dot where he will be making an incision in the upper outer
quadrant of your buttock.
Step 2.
The area be will cleaned with alcohol. A mixture of sodium bicarbonate and
local anesthetic will be injected causing 30 seconds of discomfort and
Step 3.
A very small stab incision (2-3mms) will be made. Pellets will be inserted.
This part takes a couple of minutes. Steri-strips will be applied, followed by
a bandage.
Step 4.
Outer bandage can be removed after 3 days but steri-strips can remain for 5 days or until they come
off on their own.
Step 5.
Do NOT take a bath, get into a hot tub, or go into a swimming pool until
outer bandage is removed. You may shower, but do not scrub the site until
the incision is well healed. This can take approximately 7 days.
Step 6.
The sodium bicarbonate that we add to the anesthetic, to decrease the
burning sensation, may cause some local swelling at the insertion site. This
may last 1-3 days. Do not worry, this is normal. The site may be uncomfortable for 2-7 days.
Step 7.
Women who have not had a hysterectomy (removal of uterus) and have
been given more than 6 mg of estrogen, should be on progesterone: daily
at bedtime to protect the lining of the uterus, and hopefully have no
menstrual cycle. It also helps with insomnia.
Step 8.
If you have any bleeding (not oozing), pus coming from the insertion site,
start running a temperature over 100.0 and/or have any other questions,
please call the office at 812-334-0698.
Step 9.
We will ask that you repeat hormone labs in 12 weeks after pellet insertion
to evaluate hormone levels.